| Yes | No
Has your professional license / certification ever been denied, revoked, suspended, or limited?
Is there any action pending to revoke, suspend, or limit your professional license / certification?
Have you ever been denied professional liability insurance, or has your insurance ever been canceled or denied renewal?
Have any certifications, such as the Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP) certification, ever been revoked, suspended, or limited?
Do you have any ongoing physical or mental impairment or condition which would make you unable, with or without reasonable accommodation, to perform the essential functions of a practitioner in your area of practice, or unable to perform those functions without a direct threat to the health and safety of others?
Is there any legal action pending related to your practice?
Have you ever been the subject of disciplinary proceedings by any professional association or organization (i.e., state licensing board; county, state, or national professional society; hospital, medical, or clinical staff)?
Do you currently use illegal drug or abuse drugs or alcohol?
Do you have a history of chemical dependency or substance abuse that might adversely affect your ability to competently and safely perform the essential function of a practitioner in your area of practice?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or involved in charges relating to moral or ethical turpitude?
Have you ever been named as a defendant in a criminal proceeding?
Have you had any malpractice claims during the past 5 years?
Have you ever been a defendant in any lawsuit involving your practice where there has been an award or payment of $25,000 or more?