Managers, Human Resources, and administrators will have access to their own resource website for leadership development. The website will be customized with your logo and include all of your organization's company policies and procedures for dealing with troubled employees. These would include your organization's Drug Free Workplace Policy, Harassment Policy and Workplace Violence Policy. Managers will receive information on how to refer an employee to the EAP and how to use the EAP as a management tool.

Human Resources, Supervisors and Administrators are welcome to consult with our Risk Management team and counselors if they have concerns about an employee's work performance or mental health. If an EAP referral is determined to be appropriate, our team will guide the supervisor though the EAP referral process.

Supervisors are notified after a formal supervisory referral if their employee has been compliant with their suggestion to have an EAP assessment.. Confidentiality is essential to maintain a positive therapeutic atmosphere for the client. Information provided to the supervisor is closely monitored. The consent to release information is detailed to define the exact information released. Supervisors are only given information that is relevant to safety and job performance.

Onsite supervisor and management training is readily available. Each training session is tailored to the specific needs of the workplace. For instance, substance abuse training includes your company's drug free workplace policy.

Examples of topics for managers:
- Recognizing Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems in Employees
- Preventing Employee Burnout
- Presenteeism: How to help the employee who is clocked in but checked out.
- Using EAP as a management tool
- The Mindful Manager
- Workplace Generations
- Dealing with the Difficult Employee
- Lateral Violence
- Conflict Management

Solution focused executive coaching is available to managers who want define their career path and improve their leadership and people skills. We help managers set goals and develop a plan of action for moving towards those objectives.

MUSC EAP counselors are available to provide team building services to any unit or work group. The overall goals of team building are to increase the teams understanding of team dynamics and improve how the team works together. Unlike working as a group, working as a team incorporates group accountability rather than individual accountability and results in a collective work product. Team building encourages the team approach to working on a project. When assessing teams we consider: each team member, team relationships, team problem solving, team leadership and the overall organizational environment.

Onsite psychological first aid and prompt crisis management services are available for groups or individual employees who have experienced traumatic events in the workplace.

On-site orientation to the employee assistance program for employees and managers is available and strongly encouraged.

All employees will be provided a brochure that outlines how to access services through MUSC EAP and a list of available services. In addition, posters are made available for placement throughout the workplace to remind employees of the EAP services.

Quality assurance is an integral part of MUSC EAP. We measure both client satisfaction and resolution of the initial presenting problem. Every 6 months an anonymous satisfaction survey is sent out to monitor the quality of care received. MUSC EAP carefully monitors these surveys in order to ensure that services and/or referrals meet the needs of our clients.

As a standard, MUSC EAP will provide yearly reports to contracted companies stating the number of employees assessed (we consider this a case) and the number of counseling sessions provided. A separate report includes the number of management consultations and on-site workshops. We find that this is the most straightforward method of utilization reporting. Our numbers are not inflated by phone calls or how many people accessed the website. The report does not provide any client identifying information.

In addition to our standard reporting we can customize an organization's reporting to special areas of concern such as demographics on age, sex, number of supervisory referrals or issues addressed. Most non-identifying demographics can be tracked.