-What is an Employee Assistance Program?

-Who is eligible for the employee assistance service?

-How do I get started?

-Can I walk-in or do I have to make an appointment?

-Will the EAP counselor prescribe medication for me?

-I am concerned about one of my employees, what should I do?

-Do I have to talk to my supervisor or human resources department to get information about my EAP benefit?

-Do I need to fill out a leave slip to attend my EAP appointment?

-I am having some difficult personal problems, but I would never let that affect my work. Why is my supervisor suggesting that I make an appointment with MUSC EAP? Do they think I'm crazy?

-I have already been written up for disciplinary action, why is my employer punishing me by making me go to the EAP too?

-Tell me more about the counseling sessions.

-Will my counseling sessions be confidential?

-What happens if I don't like my counselor?

-What happens after all of my allocated MUSC EAP sessions are used?

What is an Employee Assistance Program?
An EAP is designed to promote healthy functioning in all areas of life. An EAP strives to help employees identify and resolve problems, which may or may not be impacting their job performance. MUSC EAP offers individual counseling, marriage and family counseling, supervisory training, and consultation to reach these goals.


Who is eligible for the employee assistance service?
Free and confidential assessment, brief counseling and referral services are available to all employees, their spouses and dependent children (under the age of 26).


How do I get started?
Employees may self-refer to the Employee Assistance Program by simply calling (843) 792-2848 and scheduling an appointment to suit their schedule. Most employees can be seen either the day of the call or the following day. Emergent cases are seen the day of the call. We will work with you as much as possible to accommodate your work schedule.


Can I walk in or do I have to make an appointment?
It is highly recommended that you make an appointment. If you are in a crisis situation, just call us and we will make an appointment to see you that day or find you the appropriate community resources. If you walk in we may or may not be available, or we may not have a full hour available at that time, so please call ahead so that we can give you the time and attention you deserve.


Will the EAP counselor prescribe medication for me?
EAP counselors are unable to write prescriptions. Counselors with MUSC EAP are master's level therapists, not physicians, and therefore do not have prescription writing privileges. We are able to refer clients to psychiatrists when medication support is needed.


I am concerned about one of my employees, what should I do?
Many times supervisors call for a phone consultation to discuss personnel issues. The EAP welcomes supervisory phone consults. Supervisors may call and refer an employee for job performance issues or for dealing with difficult personal issues that may impair their job performance in the future.


Do I have to talk to my supervisor or human resources department to get information about EAP or to make an appointment?
No. If you are a self-referral, you do not have to notify them in any way that you are seeking services provided by MUSC EAP.


Do I need to fill out a leave slip to attend my EAP appointment? If you are a self-referral, you should treat attending your EAP appointment exactly the way you would treat any other medical appointment. If you fill out a leave slip to go to the dentist then you should also fill one out for attending an EAP appointment.

If you are a formal supervisory referral or a mandated referral, attendance at your EAP appointment may be considered part of your job duties rather than a medical appointment. Please check with your individual supervisor about your company's policy and how it applies to your circumstances.


I am having some difficult personal problems, but I would never let that affect my work. Why is my supervisor suggesting that I make an appointment with MUSC EAP? Do they think I'm crazy?
Companies have employee assistance programs because they care about their employees and want the very best assistance in a time of need. If you were referred by a member of management or human resources, it is because they value you and your work. They understand that everyone needs a little help sometimes in order to be their best. A referral to MUSC EAP is not a statement from management about your mental health. While we do assist individuals that need help with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, we also assist people with everyday problems. MUSC EAP is a positive and private way for employees to resolve their personal issues so that they can be more productive at work.


I have already been written up for a disciplinary action, why is my employer punishing me by making me go to the EAP too?
The EAP is not a punishment. It is a means for your employer to help valuable employees develop and grow so that they may retain their employment. A workplace referral to the EAP is a sign that your employer cares about you and wants you to have all of the resources available to resolve workplace issues.


What do I need to know about the counseling process?
Counseling is conducted in a number of ways, depending on the counselor and the counselor's approach, but all counseling begins with an assessment. The assessment process simply helps you and your counselor define the problem. After exploring and developing sufficient background to proceed, you and your counselor will decide upon specific goals and objectives. Meeting these goals and objectives will likely require strong efforts both during the sessions and in your daily life. In addition, you may experience feelings of discomfort, which are inherent in change.

You and your counselor will need to discuss things openly and honestly. The counselor's responsibility at this point is to listen, to assist you in communicating, and to provide an environment of trust so that all involved can interact freely and speak what is on their minds.

Counseling sessions are generally 1 hour in length, and depending upon your current needs, will generally be scheduled once each week, once every two weeks, or at an interval decided upon by you and your counselor. Employees may be seen for 3 sessions following the initial assessment for a total of 4 visits.

At times the counselor may suggest that your needs would be better served through a referral to another counselor through either an internal resource or an external resource. In the event that this situation occurs, these options will be thoroughly explored with you.

Progress will be regularly evaluated in terms of whether counseling is effective in attaining the desired objectives. If at any time you decide to terminate the counseling relationship, it is recommended that you inform your counselor in order to tie up loose ends and to allow for feedback concerning the counseling process.


Will my counseling sessions be confidential?
MUSC-EAP counselors understand that the assurance of confidentiality is essential to your counseling progress. Our counselors are dedicated to upholding their professional code of ethics and MUSC-EAP's policy of ensuring your confidentiality.

It is important to note that all EAP records are maintained at the EAP office. These records are considered client files and do not become a part of a Medical University of South Carolina medical record or Human Resources files.

Statistical information regarding the utilization of MUSC EAP services is given to companies on a yearly basis. This information includes only the number and types of services used. Employers never have access to the names of clients or the specific reasons for their calls. All identifying information is kept confidential.

Limits of Confidentiality
All information disclosed in counseling sessions is strictly confidential and will be released only with your prior written permission, except in situations where there is clear and immediate danger to you, to other individuals, or to society, and where otherwise required by law.

The counselor's legal responsibility to disclose information includes, but is not limited to, suspected or known child abuse or elder abuse, threat of danger to another individual, imminent threat of suicide by the client, and legal subpoena/court order.

In cases of supervisory referral for counseling, EAP is required to verify that the employee attended the scheduled appointment. The employee will sign a written consent giving permission to notify the supervisor that the employee followed through with the supervisory referral. No further information concerning the content of the session will be released without your written consent.


What happens if I don't like my counselor?
If you have questions or concerns regarding your counseling objectives, your counselor, or the counseling process, it is your right and responsibility to bring those concerns to your counselor in the counseling sessions. Sometimes a client may feel that their counselor is not the right fit for them. We understand that not every counselor suits the needs of every client. If this happens, please speak with your counselor so that the issue can be addressed therapeutically. If it is a bad fit, we will be happy to find you another counselor.


What happens after all of my allocated MUSC EAP sessions are used?
Employee assistance services are designed for assessment, referral and brief counseling. Brief counseling is solution-focused and can often be very effective in addressing the problems of daily life. If upon your assessment or later in the brief counseling process it seems that you need longer term treatment, MUSC EAP counselors will help you access your available healthcare benefits or other appropriate resources.

MUSC EAP's brief counseling service benefits are designed to be per issue per year. So, if you find that you are having difficulty in some other area of your life, you are welcome to contact MUSC EAP and begin a new session series to address those issues. If that same issue is coming up during the same calendar year, please contact us we would be glad to refer you to longer term services.