Self-Tests and Self-Help Resources

Below are several links to online screening tools for a variety of potential work place concerns. Select a topic area and complete the screening tool for immediate feedback about your concerns These screeners and the results are anonymous, but if you feel you might have a problem that you could use some help with, please call an EAP counselor right away. All employee-initiated contact with the EAP is confidential.

Feeling down, tired, sad, tearful or blue? Complete a quick depression screening measure and see if you might need some help...
Depression Screening Measure

Feeling nervous, worried, anxious or tense? Complete a quick anxiety screening measure and see if you might need some help...
Anxiety Screening Measure

Concerned about your alcohol use, or is someone else concerned about it? Complete a quick alcohol-use screening measure and see if you might need some help...
Alcohol Screening Measure

Concerned about your drug use, or is someone else concerned about it? Complete this quick drug-use screening measure and see if you might need some help...
Drug Use Screening Measure

Feeling burnt-out at work? Complete this quick work-burn-out screener to see if you might need some help...
Work Burn-Out Screening